Our Process
1. Start-Up
Meet with client to determine the responsibilities of the position and how they relate to the achievement of company objectives.
Frank discussion of challenges to be faced. History of the company and profile of the assignment is written and serves as a basis for the selection process.
2. Research
Discussion of primary research targets chosen including direct competitors, allied industries, suppliers etc.. are completely evaluated for potential candidates. Research is extremely thorough and may be either/both geographic specific or industry/technology/market driven.
3. Sourcing
Utilize twenty years of proprietary database contacts and resources within markets, industries and technologies germane to your business. The “Consultant” is the single most important link to the successful completion of any assignment. This person must possess the business acumen, persuasiveness, enthusiasm and situational knowledge to represent the client in such a manner to attract the very best to become interested in our clients’ needs.
4. Search Firm Interviews
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates’ past performance through research and interviews. We recognize that candidates’ management style and qualifications must be fully compatible with the clients objectives and culture.
5. Client Interviews
At this stage a detailed background summary and commentary is provided to the client prior to interview. The comment summary strives to provide personal insight from the interviewer ofcandidate strengths and weaknesses. At this point a minimum of 2-3 formal references have been taken and psychological assessment tests have been conducted.
6. Final Interviews/Negotiation/Offer
Advise the client on all negotiations necessary to complete the assignment.
7. Acceptance/Completion
Help ensure a smooth transition for the successful candidate through periodic contacts after the hire.